NEWS : Supreme Court Confirms Same-Sex Marriages
The Supreme Court's decision today confirming same-sex marriages falls well beyond my area of expertise. For that reason, I will readily leave its legal analysis to more capable colleagues. However ...

NEWS: Patents – Superpowers With an Expiration Date
A recent Supreme Court decision involving Marvel Comic's Spiderman provides a convenient opportunity to compare patents to superpowers, albeit superpowers with an expiration date. Here's the backgroun ...

PANEL : Inside the Lawyer’s Brain – Training Attorneys
I've been invited by the Professional Legal Trainers Group (PLTG) to participate on a panel entitled "Inside the Lawyer's Brain". The panel of attorneys and professional development experts will shar ...

deadmau5 and Disney Settle Trademark Dispute Over Mouse Ears
News sources are reporting that Disney's long running challenge to the use of 'mouse ears' by deadmau5, a world famous electronic music DJ, has been settled. The dispute started when deadmau5 applied ...

Accelerated IRS Review of Tax Exempt Applications
IRS efforts to accelerate review of tax exempt applications appear to be paying off. One recent report suggests the backlog, which once exceeded 60,000 pending applications, is now current. At one tim ...

Excellent @DanceNYC #townhall last night on NY Non…
Excellent @DanceNYC #townhall last night on NY Nonprofit Revitalization Act! Important changes for all #NfPs to keep in mind.