INSIGHT: Decoding your exemption letter: 501(c)(3) exemption and public charity status
I frequently get questions about decoding a non-profit's tax-exempt status because the determination letter they've received from the IRS has a section at the top that lists "Public Charity Status" as ...

NEWS: New Requirements for new 501(c)4 organizations
Based on legislation passed in 2015, the IRS has implemented new requirements for new entities planning to operate as 501(c)4 organizations. These organizations are now required to file a notice of i ...

NEWS: Decreased 501(c)3 Application Filing Fees
In continuing its efforts to better serve the needs of small non-profits (previously discussed here), the IRS has decreased application filing fees for the smallest organizations. In the past, many s ...

INSIGHT: Clarifying Brexit’s affect on European IP Rights
I’ll leave my personal position on the Brexit vote for other arenas. This post will stick to discussing how the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union could affect your intellectual proper ...

NEWS: Changes to Form 990-N filing for small exempt organizations
The IRS has announced that, effective February 29, 2016, exempt organizations that required to file Form 990-N will do so through the IRS website - IRS.gov . This form can only be filed online - maili ...

INSIGHT: Clarifying Benefit Corporations and B-Corps for the Social Enterprise
Although they are too often used interchangeably when discussing social enterprises, Benefit Corporations and B-Corps are not the same animal. Benefit Corporations have been in the news for severals y ...