LECTURE: Starting and Operating a Non-Profit in New York

I led a workshop this evening on the requirements of starting and operating a non-profit under New York state law. Although I’ve regularly presented on nonprofit issues, this was the first presentation since New York’s new non-profit law provisions took effect earlier this month. The presentation covered new requirements to be considered by new non-profits still in the process of organization as well as actions that existing non-profits will need to take to comply with these new requirements.
Participants represented nonprofits at different stages of development – from early conceptualization to an established entity that had already secured its 501(c)3 tax exemption. The projects they discussed covered child immigrant issues, education enrichment, artistic programming. In addition to sharing experience, we considering best practices and opportunities for collaboration – both among non-profits and between non-profits and for-profits.
Contact Zak Shusterman to discuss non-profit formation or to review your organization’s compliance with the recent changes to New York state’s non-profit laws.