SEMINAR : Legal basics for freelancers and small businesses

I’ve been invited to do a presentation on the legal issues that are most relevant to freelancers and small businesses. This is a presentation has been very popular in the past.
The workshop will cover the forms of business structures appropriate for small businesses, including limited liability structures, in order to protect you, your personal assets, and the longevity of your business.
We’ll discuss some of the legal problems that commonly confront the small business owner, steps you can take to avoid them, and how to handle them when they do arise.
Then the focus will turn to the importance of using contracts in your business. This will include a review the provisions that should be included in every agreement as well as a sampling of provisions that are found in several common agreements.
The session will conclude with a practical discussion of legal disputes that may arise while running your business – how to handle some problems yourself and knowing when to seek the advice of a lawyer.
The seminar will be held on March 14, 2013, in Tarrytown, NY. You can find more details and sign up for the session here.